Thank you Salvage Inc
Comment and my post below,
Wonderful Words of Wisdom. Your words Worth repeating exactly as You Said and a copy on my office wall as well.
But remember one important thing when it comes to shipping, WE are in business to make a profit, Therefore doing exact shipping is plain bad business practices, Everything involved it shipping a product to your buyer involves cost and if you fail to include those ether in the mark up of your products or in Handling at some point down the road it will bite you in the b***.
I had a fellow awhile back on another venue say he spent a whole year selling only to find at the end of the year he had actually lost money because he forgot to factor in all his overhead costs, How sad.
Cost include Shipping and Handling, Printers, Ink , Paper, Packing materials, Wear and tear on your PCs,Then there are Paypal fee’s, Bonanzle fee’s, Your time, Gas and wear and tear on your vehicle to and from the Post office and on and on.Hopefully folks are keeping track of all this stuff and not like the guy who at the end of the year found out the hard way,Many Brick & Mortar store find this out the hard way, They just flat run out of money and close shop.
Many of the Antique shops where I use to work have closed there doors, If you fail to make a profit at some point you will run out of cash as many have done already, Even very old establish firms in our area have closed.