Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Economic condition does not control me!

Welcome to my brand new blog,

We have been selling online for about 10 years, We have been an Ebay store seller 2 or 3 times, We've sold on Yahoo,Wagglepop, Ecrater, Blujay, Pro Bidz and now we have settled on and have 3 Booths on Bonanzle.com

I chose his subject because many of us spend way to much time listening to what world has to say about what is going on around us. But as a Christian I live under a different economy than this old world. Am I effected by the Worlds economy, YES, Am I control by it, NO.

There is a story in the Bible that talks about a widow woman who had a son and was just about to run out of food, When a Prophet of God came by and said, Make me a cake to eat, Now there was a famine in the land(Bad Economy) She told the prophet, I only have enough to make a cake for mr and my son and then we will die. The prophet told her, Put your trust in god to provide, Bake me the cake and god will take care of you both.

As the story goes, The barrel of flour and the cruise of oil never ran dry until he famine was over, So what am I saying, Don't look at the economic conditions and don't let it control your life..

I look at many successful people who in the face of adversity over came, Most every successful
Entrepreneurs who ever succeeded, Fail time and time again, The difference is get up and try again until you find your niche.

Many began as did KFC by opening a restaurant, Just as the interstate by passed the corner where The Kernel just set up biz, He was forced out of business and had to go on the road selling his fried chicken to restaurants, But look where his business
is today

Sam Walton fail in his first attempts to start Wal-Mart, But look at his stores today, and the list goes on. It takes patients and perseverance to succeed.

God Bless

1 comment:

  1. Nicely done and an iteresting read! Keep up the good work :)
